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The Benefits of Home Food Canning – Preserving To Save

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With the rising cost of food, everyone is looking for alternative ways to save money on healthy foods. One of my favorite things to do is home canning. Learn how to can, what equipment you need, and get canning resources! 

canned jar of pickles - home canning

The Benefits of Home Food Canning – Preserving To Save

With the rising cost of food, everyone is looking for alternative ways to save money on healthy foods. One of my favorite things to do is home food canning. It is a great idea. At first, canning requires a lot of upfront costs (if buying everything new), but in the end, it is an excellent way to save money.

Plus, these items will last you a lifetime. I admit that canning is more of a hobby for me. Over this past summer, my little garden produced more tomatoes than any other year. I have made chili, stewed tomatoes, homemade sauce, and canned whole tomatoes. What a great sense of accomplishment.

It has been a blessing that provides very little food waste. I am looking forward to seeing how long this food lasts us.

garden filled with vegetables

I used over 25-pint size canning jars. With the extra ingredients (onion, garlic & spices already on hand), I figure each jar filled cost me roughly $0.30 each, plus my time to make. Sometimes I wonder if I was born in the wrong era.

Canning is one step beyond cooking.

It is a method that applies heating food in closed glass home canning jars to stop the natural spoilage that would otherwise take place and remove air from the jar to create a seal. I will not be able to go over the types of canning methods, but rather all the benefits.

There are two main types of canning methods:

Water bath canning (Also known as “Hot Water Canning” or “Boiling Water Bath.”) Water-bath canning is only for produce that is HIGH in acid. Such as for tomatoes and berries and for making pickles. It helps preserve food without high pressure. Will need a large pot.

Pressure canning – Pressure canning is the only safe method of preserving low-acid foods at high temperatures. Low-acid foods include vegetables, meats, beans, and soup. Will need a pressure canner and canning kit equipment.

I will provide some great resources with practical ways to can your own food.

What Are The Benefits of Home Food Canning?

Save Money

Food can be expensive. Buying or picking foods in season and canning them for future use can save you some extra money. This is especially true when you consider the quality of the foods you are getting.

You may be surprised how gourmet your home-canned food can taste. It helps make mealtime prep so much easier.

Know What You’re Eating

Home food canning allows you to put exactly what you want in the can. Home-canned fruits and vegetables are free of preservatives, colorings, high fructose corn syrup, and added flavorings.

You control everything that goes into it. You have the advantage of choosing organic produce, the amount of sugar you use, and the overall flavor of the food.

Pride In Preserving Your Own Food

This might seem silly, but when I see all my jars lined up in my basement pantry. I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I suppose it is similar to the olden days when a father would hunt for the meat that would feed his family.

All of those jars are my contribution to feeding my family. All of my efforts are from growing my own veggies and canning them. It is an excellent feeling.

Better Tasting Food

It’s a fact that homemade food simply tastes better. You can’t beat a quality home-canned product made from fresh, locally grown ingredients. We love to visit local farms in the summer, not only do we get the best of the best in food quality, but we are helping our local economy.

Remember that you could easily pay double for such a product at your local grocery store. Local grocers have to contend with transportation rates and middlemen. You can easily just go to the source. With careful planning, you can easily have enough food to last you for a full year.

Another added benefit to home food canning is that you will be able to tweak recipes to your exact tastes and even experiment with new flavor combinations. Creating new recipes for your family to enjoy.

Not sure where to find great-tasting recipes? You need to turn to the “Bible” of all canning books. Please take the time to purchase The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving. This is the holy grail of canning. I don’t know where I would be without it. I refer to this book often.

It comes with canning instructions and many many recipes.

canning food - tomatoes and onions in canning jars from local growers

NEW To Home Food Canning – Additional Resources

The canning process is quite simple, but starting without the proper knowledge or equipment can lead to producing toxic food. Seriously! It is true. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of canning food is the potential for contamination.

benefits of canning - Pictured canned fresh produce. Trying your hand at home food preservation

Suggested Resource for Home Canning

The Domestic Wildflower Website offers a great course on canning. It can be purchased for a small fee. This resource is valuable to those wanting to get involved with home food canning.

Many people think that you only can food through one season, but let me assure you—canning is a year-round money-saver. It is easier than you think and well worth the investment. You can fresh fruits, vegetables and more.

Do you preserve your food? Or is this your first time? We would love to know all about it. Leave us a comment below. Tell us what you like to can food and why.

 Frequently Asked Question

How long can I keep home-canned food?

Home canned food will need to be used within a year because the quality will deteriorate. Food safety experts recommend that you do not use most home-canned foods after one year. 

How do I determine which canning method I should be using?

To determine which method is appropriate for the food types you are canning, refer to The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving. It will provide you with the best information and the best way to can.

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