The Best Ways to Cut Costs on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Use these simple tips to Save Money on Fresh Produce. Now you can eat a diet full of healthy fruit and vegetables, even when your budget is tight. ! You’ll even enjoy it more!

The Best Ways to Cut Costs on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Every time we go to the grocery store, we are consumed by many choices of food; fresh vs frozen, canned vs fresh, pre-packaged foods vs. making your own from available fresh ingredients. The question stands; How do you save money in the produce section?
Have you ever skipped the fresh produce section thinking it is too expensive to buy fresh? Many people believe the misconception is that it is entirely way too expensive to purchase fresh produce. Believe me, you are not alone.
I researched. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Americans do not consume the recommended amount of fruits and veggies a day.
Does this sound surprising?
With the rising cost of food, many are turning away from fresh produce. Much of the increase in prices can be blamed for many attributes; the rising price of gas to bad crops due to weather.
Whatever it may be, “WE” need to be smarter consumers. I want to share with you some simple solutions and tips on Ways to Save Money on Fresh Produce.
Be Smart
So, how do we save on fresh produce? Simple!! We scan our weekly flyers for the best potential deals each week. The key to buying produce is all about picking the right items, at the right time, and in the right form.
In the simplest terms, buy what you know to be in-season produce. These options will probably be different for every person depending on where you live.
Know Your Prices
It is not to say that you might discover that bagged spinach is a better deal than the loose-leaf version. Compare your prices. The first thing you need to do to save money on produce is to learn about the products you buy and what a good deal is for each.
Also, think about checking the weight of the pre-packaged bag items and comparing the per-pound price for both. Purchase what is the cheapest.
Use Your Phone
Did you know your phone can save you money on fresh produce? There are a variety of Smartphone savings apps that offer fresh produce savings. Have you read my money-saving apps for groceries post? Many of the listed smartphone apps in this article will give you cash back when you purchase certain fresh produce at your favorite grocery store.
Purchase In-Season
In season, locally grown food is usually the cheapest. Menu planning around what is in season will provide your family with nutritious and healthy meals. Produce is generally priced based on how hard or easy it is to attain it. It gives you a better understanding and know-how as to which items are on sale and why.
For example; Apples are on sale during the fall, citrus in the winter, and berries during the summer. And if you do score a super deal on seasonal produce, freeze it! Stock your freezer with your produce finds to use later and lock in flavor and that in-season price.
Purchase “Hardy” Produce.
Hardy means fresh produce that will last much longer. Giving you the ability to keep that produce fresher for longer. You don’t need to feel you need to consume that food the week you get it.
Longer Lasting Produce Include
- Cabbage
- Sweet potatoes
- Celery
- Onions
- Carrots
- Potatoes
- Apples
- Oranges
These fruits and vegetables listed above will last longer.
Farmers Market, Co-ops, and Local Farm Stands
One of our family’s favorite spots is a local, out-of-the-way farm that offers cheap organic fruits and veggies (Shhhh, our secret). Last year, I got 15 pounds of tomatoes for just $4. I am Italian, so we made a big pot of sauce, canned it, and packed it away for later use.
That was one big way we save money on fresh produce. This has the added bonus of supporting your local farming community. Also, make sure to look into local CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), and local farmers’ markets in your area.
Start A Garden
Have you heard that growing your food is the next big thing? Many people are turning to off-the-grid and homesteading lifestyles. You don’t have to go to this extreme to save. A small garden can go a long way.
Not only is it the in-thing, but it helps your children understand where our food comes from and how it is grown. By growing your own, you can guarantee that the produce is organic and the price of seeds is well worth the turnout! Needless to say, growing produce is the number one way to save money on fresh produce without using coupons.
Purchase What You and Your Family Will Eat
Nothing is worse than having to throw out food that has gone bad. But, if it’s a really good deal, and you think the food may spoil before you have a chance to eat it, look into freezing or canning food. We love to freeze grapes and bananas in the summer.
Think about purchasing at Local International Markets
It seems that one of the best places I’ve found for excellent quality produce at a cheap price is international markets. My local Asian food Market always seems to have the cheapest produce (especially the greens).
You just can never beat the prices elsewhere. I haven’t quite figured out why this is so. I am assuming and could be wrong, but I think it’s because other cultures use a lot more fresh produce in their diet than Americans.
What measures do you take to save money on fresh produce? These are only a few of the best ways to save money in the produce section. What other ways can you think of?
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I have to say that the only time I find farmers markets to be less expensive than the store is when I go and am able to get day old. Tho now that we are down to 1 kid at home ( out of 4)we can afford some of the fresh items that we couldn’t before we had a house full. We trip down to Schoharie ( our secret, but i WILL share!) and hit up Barbers and Shauls..Barbers you can get alot for a couple bucks at the day old counter. The corn is to die for! I cook and freeze what we aren’t going to eat that night. Am going to take a day trip over to my hometown of Rutland Vermont and check out thier many farmers that it is now located in a refurbished warehouse!!
Thanks MAMA for sharing your little secret. My local farmer is small and tucked away, so local traffic seems to make his business run well. I do have to agree some farmers market tend to be on the pricier side. Rutland Vermont is beautiful. 🙂