How You Can Freeze Fresh Eggs – Quick Kitchen Prep
Do you have a lot of extra eggs? Have you ever wondered if you can freeze eggs? Are you looking for a simple way to preserve them? Freezing eggs can solve your problem.

Easy Tip To Freezing Fresh Eggs
It’s either feast or famine when it comes to fresh egg deals. You may have chickens of your own and run into the age-old problem of too many eggs, and not enough mouths to feed.
When we have an overabundance of eggs, I like to Freeze them. There are many schools of thought when it comes to preserving eggs. This is just the method that I have used over the years. I stumbled upon this method after experimenting one Easter day.
It is super simple, doesn’t require a large amount of time, and it works. Did you know that after freezing your fresh eggs, they taste the same as fresh eggs? There is no difference.
I know… your mind is blown, right? Time to get yourself on this bandwagon. It is the easiest and most simple method for preserving your eggs.
Why freeze your extra eggs?
- It is a quick way to store them until you are ready to use them.
- Freezing allows you to store them for a much longer timeframe.
- Convenience
How long can you store frozen eggs?
According to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), you can freeze eggs for up to one year. However, it is recommended to use them within 4 months for freshness.
To freeze eggs whole, the white and yolk must be beaten together.
How To Freeze Fresh Eggs
You can fry them, bake with them, or add them to casseroles or other recipes even after they have been frozen and thawed.
First thing is first, if you don’t know the age of your eggs, you will need to test them. Fresh chicken eggs can last for quite a while in your refrigerator. They can last up to five weeks or even longer if they were fresh when you purchased them.
How do you know the age of your eggs?
Do the water test. If your eggs float when placed in a bowl of cold water, it is old and not good for eating. If your eggs sink to the bottom of a bowl of cold water and lie flat on their sides, they are very fresh.
After you have determined the age of your eggs, you are ready to freeze them. It is important to note that you cannot freeze whole eggs in their shells. The reason is that when raw eggs freeze, the liquid inside expands, which can cause the shells to crack.
As a result, the contents of the egg can spoil and then become a risk of bacterial contamination. This also includes freezing hard-boiled eggs in their shells.
Let’s Get Started
1) Crack a few eggs in a bowl. I typically freeze in quantities of 2 to 3. You can also choose to separate your egg yolks from whites and freeze them separately.
2) Scramble the eggs lightly. Try not to get too much aggressive while scrambling. I have found that with air bubbles in the mix, freezer burn occurs rather quickly.
Side note: When I first started researching how to freeze eggs. I read a few articles that stated to add salt and/or sugar to your egg mixture to prevent the egg yolk from becoming like gel. I have never tried this method and my eggs have always turned out well. Although freezing is unlikely to affect the flavor of raw or cooked frozen eggs, adding any extra ingredients will probably change the taste.
3) I then place my scrambled raw eggs in a freezer storage bag, labeled with the number of eggs and date. I like to use Hefty Slider Food Storage Bags quart bags.
4) Finally, freeze for up to a year (I’d bet you could go longer, but this is what the “experts” recommend. I don’t like to push the limits personally).
Labeling might seem like a waste of time to you. But do it. Trust me. You have no idea how many times I’ve come across a mystery item in my freezer.
Thawing Your Frozen Eggs
When you are ready to use your eggs, allow them to thaw in the fridge. I usually put them in the fridge overnight. That way, by morning time they are ready to be used.
You may also choose to thaw them in the sink, running them under cold water. If you choose this method, please note that you should immediately cook them after this process. It is that simple…Viola!
Remember You can keep your eggs frozen for up to a year in your freezer before you need to use them.
How do you use your eggs once thawed?
- Use them in your favorite baked goods recipe (cookies, cakes, dinner rolls, etc)
- Make a great omelet. (don’t forget the veggies)
- Create your favorite quiche dish.
- Use them to make a breakfast casserole.
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Wait, what?? My mind is indeed blown. I had no idea that you could freeze eggs. Brilliant!
Wow, your tips on freezing fresh eggs without the shell are a game-changer! I’ve often had surplus eggs from my chickens and didn’t know what to do with them. Your detailed instructions are super helpful, and I can’t wait to try this out. Thanks for sharing this clever solution to avoid wasting eggs!
That is such a great idea and can really help cut waste. I didn’t realise that eggs could be frozen!!
Honestly, I didn’t know about this before till reading your post. It’s truly a good tip with the egg in some cases. Such clever!
Oh wow, eggs can be frozen all along? How I wish I had known this, about 4 years ago, when we had too many of them and ended up giving many of them away.
I feel like I knew about the water test. I forgot though until I saw it here!
This is such a helpful idea. So often I buy the big carton of eggs and they go to waste. Now I can buy the larger carton without worry of being wasteful.
Brilliant idea for storing extra eggs. I had no idea they could be frozen!
It is an interesting idea! Usually, we eat eggs so fast, but I`ll consider freezing them when we buy farm eggs. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I wish I had found this article years ago – I’ve thrown out too many eggs! This process for freezing eggs is so clever and a great money saver.
This is such a great idea! Now I can stock up on eggs when they go on sale without them going to waste.
I have frozen eggs that had a cracked shell. I continued tocrack open , into a zip bag
I didn’t scramble just plain . When i took them out I fried them. It was great
OHHHH How neat was that boo boo. I am so glad it all worked out well for you. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Hi I appreciate your comment abt not scrambling the eggs 1st. Can I ask, when you fried them were you able to have the full yokes so that you could dip your toast in them? Thank you shari
Hi Shari, Great question, once you scramble them, you lose the ability to have whole intact eggs. I suppose you could separate your yolks from the eggs. and freeze. I haven’t tried this method. I imagine though just from the fragility of yolks this would be a much harder process.
How do you freeze fresh raw potatoes?
I didn’t know you could freeze eggs! What a useful tip!
Now you can go out and buy more eggs when they are on sale and not feel like you have to eat them all in a week. 🙂 I have a few bags in the freezer right now.
Wow! I did not know that, and this weekend I have few deals on eggs, maybe I will freeze few of them. Thank you very much for the info.