Home ยป Creative Budgeting Tips ยป Unique Ways to Save on Seasonal Allergy Medications

Unique Ways to Save on Seasonal Allergy Medications

Allergy season is once again upon us. Not only are you miserable, but you are also just plain fed up with no relief. So how do we save on Seasonal Allergy Medications? These tips will help you save on Allergy Medications.

ways to save on seasonal allergy medications

Unique Ways to Save on Seasonal Allergy Medications

As we all know, allergy season is once again upon us. Not only are you miserable – you can’t breathe, you can’t see, your eyes water, and your ears itch โ€” and you are just plain fed up with no relief. You have all the systems of environmental allergies and not a lot of money to get a break from the pain.  

As a registered nurse and season allergy sufferer, I have some insider ways you can save on Seasonal Allergy Medication.

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Women vacuuming home allergies

These tips will help you save on Seasonal Allergy Medications and help you cut costs while controlling your symptoms.

Plan Ahead of Time

Did you know that come springtime, many drug stores offer big savings on allergy-related products? Planning and stocking up on those items/medications you need is key to saving big. If you know that you suffer from environmental allergies, why wait until the last minute to purchase the medications you need? 

If you end up purchasing your medications the day your allergies kick in, you could pay a much higher price. There is no need to wait and struggle with allergy symptoms. Need help to determine what seasonal allergy systems are affecting you, regionally. Check out this interactive app from WebMD.

With this great tool, you will be able to determine what environmental factors your body is up against. All you need to do is enter your zip code and find out if you are facing mild, moderate, or severe environmental factors. 

Shop Sales and With Coupons

One of my biggest money-saving tips is to shop in-store sales and combine that sale with a coupon.ย This will ensureย significantย savings (possibly up to 50% off). Coupons are currency. Use them as if you were paying with money. Don’t be afraid to clip and save.ย 

Pull out your favorite drug store’s weekly ad and check out coupons.comย to find corresponding coupons. You will be amazed at your weekly savings.

See Your Doctor Before You Buy

ALWAYS ask your doctor if he/she has any FREE samples, coupons, or discount cards. Pharmaceutical companies love to highlight their medication for use at the doctor’s office. I spent many years working in a doctor’s office and can tell you they are in no shortage of samples.

Each week, drug representatives meet with doctors to highlight many of the drugs available. They often leave lots of samples. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Opt for Generic Drugs

If your doctor prescribes allergy medications for you. Please ask about generic drug options. There’s no need to pay the higher price for name-brand medications if generics work just as well.

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Try To Prevent Your Symptoms 

I know this isn’t the easiest option and it may not work well for you, but here are a few out-of-the-box ideas that can help reduce your allergy symptoms. I know you will try your best to help yourself feel better. 

  • Change and wash your clothes as soon as you come inside – Pollen can stay on your clothes for as long as you wear them. Exposing you over and over again to the outside world. 
  • Stay indoors during high peak pollen hours or days.
  • Keep your house in tip-top shape by keeping it clean – Dust, mold, mildew, and pet dander can accumulate, worsening your allergies. Keeping the house clean matters. 
  • Keep pets, smoke, and strong fumes out of your home – These can all irritate and worsen your symptoms. 

Reducing the cost of what you pay for your allergy medications doesn’t mean you have to spend the whole allergy season sneezing. Just a few smart choices can lead you to save lots of money.

Opt for Third-Party Programs 

There are many third-party programs that you can use that will help cut the cost of prescription medications. Some offer to save you an upward of 80% off.ย 

The best part about many of these programs, they don’t care if you have insurance coverage or not. If you have a high deductible health care plan or no insurance at all, you will absolutely benefit from these programs. One of my personal favorites is Inside RX.ย 

Saving money is being frugally minded. Which means you are spending it wisely. Planning and researching your options ahead of time will help you to ensure allergy season savings.

What are some unique ways that you save on allergy medications? I would love to know about it. Please leave us a comment.

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  1. I’m a big fan of using the generic store brand. I don’t notice a difference between the name brand Zyrtec and walmarts certirizine.

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