Purchase Guide

How Much Should I Be Spending on Groceries?

By Jen Schreiner of InspiringSavings.com

Figuring out how much to spend on groceries is tricky.

Tip One:

Know what you are spending weekly!

Staying within your family’s set grocery budget is essential.

Everyone's Budget Looks Different

Dietary Needs

Organic Food Purchases

special restrictive diets; such as gluten-free, dairy-free, or the like. 

would rather purchase all organic food for health concerns

Including Personal Care Items

Mau include nonfood items such as personal care items and pet food in budget.

Tip Two:

Understand the National Average for grocery spending

Where to Look:

The Numbers

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average cost of food for a family of four is roughly $254 spending moderately.

These numbers reflect a 12 – 15% increase averaging a rise every 3 months.

The Change

Where to Look:

The USDA breaks down the cost of food at home into four categories: 1. Thrifty Plan 2. Low-Cost Plan 3. Moderate Cost Plan 4. Liberal Cost Plan

Your Range

Where to Look:

Final Thoughts

Before looking at the numbers, keep in mind what your family spends versus the average. A good way to figure out which plan is best for you is to look at your current food budget and compare it to the USDA recommendations.

See what your grocery spending habits average out.